Flight Status: | Arrived |
Operator: |
Privately registered: United States More flights under this callsign |
Pilot: | Christopher N. (41122) |
Aircraft: | SOCATA TBM-900 (TBM9) More flights by this aircraft type |
Origin: | KONM
Socorro Mun United States |
Destination: | KTUS
Tucson Intl United States More flights between these airports :: More routes between these airports |
Route: | ONM J104 SSO ZONNA2
File this flight plan on PilotEdge |
Remarks: | ODP departure runway 33 ONM 179 radial to ONM. Hold at ONM until above 10,100 then proceed on course |
Altitude: (Current/Filed) |
24,000ft |
Speed: (Current/Filed) |
250kts |
Departed: | 30-Nov-24 11:19 AM |
Arrived: | 30-Nov-24 12:35 PM |
Distance/Time Traveled: |
233nm/1:16 |
Distance/Time To Go: |
Arrived |
Flight Plot
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Flight plan parsing failed; only flown route is shown
Map Options
Map Legend
Flown Route | |
Filed Route | |
Departure Airport | |
Arrival Airport | |
Navaid (VOR, NDB) | |
Fix |